Let it Snow

I would love to ride in the winter if only my ______________ wouldn’t get so cold! Select all that apply.

  1. A.     Feet
  2. B.     Head/Face
  3. C.     Hands

Even with our indoor arena, there is still a bite in the air when the temperature drops below 300. So the kids and moms are always trying to learn ways to stay warm.


Don’t rely on one item to keep warm. Layer your clothes. Start with a cotton t-shirt, add a snug turtle neck, then a sweatshirt before you add the winter coat. A warm fleece vest or jacket under the winter coat can help both on very cold days as well as days that are moderately cold. Some riders get warm when they ride and a vest can keep in the heat if they need to remove the winter coat.

Don’t forget the bottoms and feet. I recommend that footless tights or cotton leggings be worn under the jeans or riding breeches. Two pair of socks can also help keep the feet warm. My preference is wool socks. Natural fibers tend to wick away moisture better than synthetic.


You can wear the wool socks or two pair with regular riding boots. There are also insulated riding boots for riders who have a very hard time keeping their feet warm. Do not be tempted to wear snow boots for riding, unless you are going bareback. As warm as they may be, they are a danger if the foot gets caught in the stirrup and they have no heel, which is a requirement of any boot or shoes used for riding.


Helmet covers! There are some very warm and colorful helmet covers. Most come with a neck warmer that covers the mouth and chin as well as the neck. For those of you who are creative, SuitAbility sells patterns so you can make your own! Make them in your barn colors!


Thinsulated gloves are a life saver. You can also find fleece-lined and insulated riding gloves that have the pebbled fingers so the reins can be gripped better.

If you or your rider still gets cold, you may want to break open the hand warmers. They typically last about four hours and are well worth it.

Here’s to fun-filled riding this winter!

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